
When you’re having your alloy wheel refurb there are a couple of things to consider. First do you want the wheels to be the same colour or would you like something different? We recently refurbished some alloy wheels on a Vauxhall that started off a silver colour, but we changed them to black. These look really striking, a change of colour really makes a difference to the appearance of the car.

We offer a range of silver, greys and blacks as standard, or you can choose a custom colour. Whether you want a small change to make your wheels a bit lighter or darker or a big change to add a pop of colour to your wheels we will be able to help you. If you’re not sure which colours we can offer why not talk to us and we’ll be able to help.


Another thing worth thinking about is the centre cap on the wheel. This is the bit at the centre of the wheel with the logo on it, and it just pops off. If it’s in good condition then of course we will just pop it back on when we’ve finished the refurb. If it’s also scuffed like the alloy wheel you might want to buy a new set before you have your wheels refurbished. If you give us the new caps when you bring your car in we can use these instead of replacing the old ones. This will complete the refurb and make the wheels look as new. The wheels below show how good the refurbishment makes alloy wheels look.

Alloy wheel refurb

Wheel Before

Alloy wheel refurb

Wheel After

Alloy Wheel Refurb

Ready to have your scuffed alloy wheels refurbed? We offer a thorough service that will make them look as good as new, and our prices are very reasonable. Get in touch today to book your car in for a refurb.

Alloy wheel refurb
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